Category Archives: Kosher

Toronto Kosher Restaurant Outtakes

I’m sure we can find flaws (both serious and humorous) in any restaurant, but there just seems to be an over-abundance of them in the Toronto-based Kosher restaurants. I will aim to point out some of these flaws, while still giving praise where due.

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Thanks for the memories, Marky’s

Tonight night marks the end of an era (no pun intended), as Marky’s Deli & Restaurant will be closing it’s doors for the final time after 43-years of serving the Toronto community.

You heard me right. Marky’s. A place synonymous with kosher Toronto. The oldest strictly kosher in Toronto is going away.

This news sucks. Read the rest of this entry

If the Stanley Cup could be kashered, what would you do with it?

Erev game 1 of the Stanley Cup finals is upon us and here at FFB, we’re all pretty pumped up. There’s a reason we have the names that we have… Our sefira beards may be gone, but our the countup for the cup is far from over…

Now I had this idea come to me just before game 7 of last year’s finals. But by then it was too late to write and post about it. (I was hosting a game 7 party… take that Super Bowl parties).

Here it is: Wouldn’t it be super cool if the Stanley Cup aka hockey’s “holy grail” (pun intended… you’ll see why in a second) could be kashered? And if so, what would you do with it? Read the rest of this entry

Things That Really Grind My Gears #6: Yeshivish take on goyish food

I would like to take this chance to put my own “unique” (Torontonian Jewish) spin on that segment, to tell you guys what really “grinds my gears” in our community, or others.

I will try posting one or two grinds per week to keep this as an ongoing segment.

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“Jew” – The Verb

Jew GoldThose of you who play Scrabble may know that the word “jew” is actually a legal word (and scores high.) However, it isn’t defined as the proper noun, but rather the verb “to bargain,” with “jewed” and “jewing” also counting as words. The Scrabble dictionary has many other derogatory terms, such as “hebe” and “kike,” but giving legitimacy to a negative stereotype certainly stands out.
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