Category Archives: Reviews

Ba-Li Italiano restaurant review

I don’t really write posts like these but I’ve got a particular post in the waiting that’s very relative to a review of this new restaurant. Good timing, I guess.

Ba-Li Italiano is located at 1045 Steeles Ave West – more specifically in the Kiva’s plaza in the same unit where Hummus Hummus was (which is also the same place where Hakotel was… more on that in another post).

It advertises itself as Italian. The say they offer pasta, pizza, paninis and other Italian food that starts with a P).

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Shabbos Shul Review: Westmount Community Shul and Learning Centre

So I’ve pushed this off for a while (like everything else on this blog), but now I’m finally starting to come forth on this initiative. This is the first Shabbos Shul Review post – for those minyanim here in Toronto and Thornhill.

And where else better to start than the home shul of yours truly – the Westmount Community Shul and Learning Centre.

Bearing in mind this affiliation, I will do my best to avoid any bias while writing this. And since I do have a nice grasp of the shul, chances are this will be most detailed of all the reviews (unless my memory gets better). And since this is the first one, it may be a little cluttered and all over the place… but we’ll see.

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Toronto Kosher Restaurant Outtakes

I’m sure we can find flaws (both serious and humorous) in any restaurant, but there just seems to be an over-abundance of them in the Toronto-based Kosher restaurants. I will aim to point out some of these flaws, while still giving praise where due.

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