Category Archives: Frummies

Is Norman’s cholov yisroel yogurt “The People’s Yogurt”? Or just “The Men’s Yogurt”?

I posed the statement on the Facebook machine that something was missing here in this advertisement for chlov yisroel yogurt made by Norman’s Dairy. The ad was featured in the Community Link magazine/yellow pages/catalogue, which is your neighbourhood Toronto/Thornhill/GTA frummy directory for anything tangible.

Here’s a really easy hint: Circumcision.

(Apologies to the female toddler in the ad and her family. I’m almost as bad as the creators of this ad.)

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Niagara Falls on Chol Hamoed: A Hot Chani haven

So I did something pretty frum yesterday: I took a Chol Hamoed day trip with some friends to Niagara Falls. It was a great trip. And for many reasons.

We did some of the touristy stuff; i.e. Casino Niagara, shopping in the US and of course hit up the Falls. As a matter of fact, two of the buddies we went with still had to say Taschlich so they did it there.

But amongst all the fun, two things really stood out to me: Read the rest of this entry

Sh*t Frum Girls Say

It was bound to be made, and here we now have it – a frum version of the trending “Sh* (insert type of people) say” video. Not only was I stoked to find and watch the video, I was even more pleased to find out that it was created by a friend of mine – and straight outta Toronto.

Big ups (or shkoyach) to the maker of this masterpiece.
Be sure to check out his blog: as well as his film-based website: Forbidden Fruit Media and it’s Facebook page.

Where has the derech gone?

The following is a dramatization. It represents a growing problem in the Jewish community: kids going off the derech and experimenting.

I wake up at 11 a.m. on Sunday morning. The previous night my friends and I got together to get drunk and smoke a little weed as the minhag is on motzei shabbos for anybody between the ages of 15-25. Shabbos was the usual snooze-fest mixed in with some texting my other off-the-derech friends and surfing the net in my room while I try to hide it from my parents. Read the rest of this entry

Things That Really Grind My Gears #6: Yeshivish take on goyish food

I would like to take this chance to put my own “unique” (Torontonian Jewish) spin on that segment, to tell you guys what really “grinds my gears” in our community, or others.

I will try posting one or two grinds per week to keep this as an ongoing segment.

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